Major network communication manufacturer Alpha Networks hosted its 2021 annual shareholders’ meeting today (August 26) to announce its 2020 financial report. According to Chairwoman Huang Wen-Fang, the consolidated revenue of 2020 was NTD 32.171 billion, with a gross margin of 15.6% showing a 0.9% decrease when compared to 2019 (16.5%). Alpha Networks also achieved NOP (net operating profit) of NTD 898 million, consolidated profit after tax of NTD 725 million and CNIS (consolidated net income attributed to stockholders of the company) of NTD 557 million, equivalent to EPS of NTD1.03. In the meeting, Alpha Networks announced the issuance NTD 0.8 per share in cash dividends from APIC (additional paid-in capital) and NTD 0.2 per share in cash dividends from retained earnings, meaning investors will receive NTD 1.0 per share in cash dividends.
5G has been in the spotlight of critical technologies of ICT industry and its emergence drives the development of various vertical applications as well as the digital transformation of different industries. It is predictable that IoT, AI and edge computing applications will grow rapidly and the market of automotive electronics will keep expanding in the near future. The deep cultivation of key technologies in wired/wireless communication, edge computing and AI enables Alpha Networks to offer a wide range of products which can be integrated easily. Through the engagement of new business like private 5G networks which can be applied to different industrial fields as well as V2X (vehicle to everything), along with the existing core products such as switches, Alpha Networks is expected to gain a higher revenue and more profits with the driving forces of Wi-Fi 6 and 5G.
In Alpha Networks, “LAN/MAN business unit” and “Wireless broadband business unit” are 2 key sectors involved in the development of 5G-related business to provide devices ranging from terminal RU (radio unit), base station DU (distributed unit), base station CU (central unit), MEC (Multi-access Edge Computing) software integration platform featuring NFVI (Network Function Virtualization Interface) and AIoT, to XGS-PON, enterprise Wi-Fi 6 wireless AP, home router and 400G high-speed Ethernet switch for cloud core network. Alpha Networks offers options which can be easily customized and flexibly applied to various vertical fields and will focus on smart healthcare, smart factory and smart building in the early stage.
“Digital multimedia business unit” develops IP-Cams featuring AI and equipped with various applications of AVS (autonomous virtualization system) and IVA (intelligent video analytics). On the other hand, the 24GHz, 60GHz, 77GHz and 79 GHz millimeter wave radar developed by “Mobile enterprise solutions business unit” can be tailored and will be integrated with radar sensing, IP-Cam and network communication technology to facilitate our customers to seize the opportunities brought by V2X.
Through the continuous investment in advanced technologies, improvement of core competitiveness and integration of technologies across different product lines, Alpha Networks caters to customer demand for high quality products as well as comprehensive packaging solutions, with premium services. We also actively consolidate the relationship with suppliers to ensure stable materials supply and on-time delivery and further optimize capability allocation to improve quality and offer a more competitive price for higher profits.
《Alpha Networks Inc.》
Alpha Networks Inc. was founded in 2003 and is currently one of the largest professional network equipment manufacturers in Taiwan. With years of experience in product development and design, Alpha Networks has been a major provider of network product design, R&D, and manufacturing for renowned global brand. The Company’s product lines cover Local and Metropolitan Area Networks (LAN/MAN), wireless broadband networks, digital multimedia, and enterprise mobile solutions. The headquarters of Alpha Networks Inc. is located in the Hsinchu Science Park, Taiwan, and the Company owns 3 major R&D centers worldwide, as well as subsidiaries in North America, Japan, and China. For more information on Alpha Networks Inc., please refer to the company's website (
《News Contact》
Angel Chung
Tel: +8863-563-6666 ext. 6560
Claire Chen
Tel: +886-3-563-6666 ext. 6562