Alpha publishes its ESG report annually. Through the report and company website, Alpha transparently and openly releases information about corporate governance, environmental protection, and social responsibilities to the public. In order to plan Alpha’s ESG policy and related ESG activities, and to better understand the topics our stakeholders care about, kindly spare your time and complete this anonymous questionnaire. Your invaluable reply will be building a solid path for Alpha to a sustainable company. Thank you for your great support and assistance.

The information obtained is only used as an analysis of external concerns and will not be used for other purposes.



Subject Description Degree of Importance
High Mode-rate Low None
Corporate Governance 1. Financial/Economic Performance Financial information, such as revenue, expenditure, and net profit. Or financial support from government.


2. Business Continuity Management Effective risk management enables the creation of a safe and steady management environment, even in the event of losses, it will also help the company to resume normal operations quickly and ensure sustainable operation of the company.


3. Company Culture Non-discrimination, anti-bribery, anti-competitive behavior


4. Industry Localization To promote the localization of production and support local enterprises.


5. Environmental Protection Investments Environmental accounting information offers a basis for decision-making with regards to environmental protection solutions that will facilitate sustainable investment for the company.


6. Supply Chain Management Approach of supply chain management on the aspects of quality, delivery, ability, and flexibility.


7. Research and Development Investment and cost of research and development, creation of products, and production procedure, and environmental innovation.


8. Information Security Management A sound corporate information management system that is capable of protecting the company’s trade secrets and network security; thereby safeguarding the company’s intangible assets.


9. Whistle blower System Whistle blower System Whistle blower mailbox to serve as the proper channel for any complaint.


10. Technology and quality Good technology development and manufacturing or service quality.


11. Marketing and Labeling Responsible marketing communications, as well as access to information about the composition of products, and their proper use and disposal, can help customers to make informed choices.


12. Protection of customer privacy Protection of customer privacy Organization limits its collection of personal data, to collect data by lawful means, and to be transparent about how data are gathered, used, and secured.


13. Shareholder protection Shareholder right protection.


14. Customer satisfaction High level of customer satisfaction to company’s product or service.


15. Risk Management Establish a risk management mechanism to promptly and effectively identify, evaluate, handle, report and monitor major risks that may impact the achievement of the company's operational objectives.


Environment Protection 16. Green product Application and use of all the raw materials and recycle materials.


17. Energy Management Measurement and performance of all kinds of energy management approached.


18. Water Source Management Condition of water resource use and Wastewater Withdraw Control, quality management, and water saving measures.


19. Product Carbon Footprint Management of product carbon footprint, which includes the inventory and measurement of emission and approaches of reducing carbon footprint.


20. Waste Management Approaches of waste management, resource recycling and its performance.


21. Regulation Compliance Environmental laws and regulations, the green product compliance.


22. Green Supply Chain Management Management policy of green supplier, supplier evaluation and audit.


23. Emissions Emissions into air and effluents.


24. Conflict minerals Banning the use of conflict minerals. Suppliers are included.


25. Ecology and Biodiversity Maintain land and marine ecosystems, and promote species diversity, ecology, and biodiversity.


Social Responsibility 26. Talent Attraction and Retention Employee’s performance review, compensation, and reward systems.


27. Employee Relations Approach of employee negotiations, labor disputes, and employee communication channels.


28. Career Development and Education Training System of employee career development, education and training content, and performance indicators.


29. Employee Rights Protection of employee rights, the complaints mechanism, and sexual harassment.


30. Community Care and Participation Strategies and approaches of community involvement and philanthropy, philanthropic activities and input.


31. Child labor Banning the use of child children below the relevant minimum age. Suppliers are included.


32. Forced or compulsory labor. Forced or compulsory labor is defined as all work which is exacted from any person under the menace of any penalty and for which the said person has not offered himself voluntarily.


33. Occupational Safety and Health Management system of occupational safety, disabling injury frequency, the incidence of occupational diseases, and the number of deaths.


Thank you again for your feedback. Your valuable opinion will help us greatly in planning our future CSR strategies and making improvement in long-term performance.