The summer month of June coincided with the 20th anniversary of Alpha Networks, and Alpha Network 53 volunteers took part in a tea-picking event in Hsinchu’s Hengshan region organized by the BenQ Foundation of the Qisda Group. The one-day farming workshop covered the traditional process for making tea by hand including the picking of one bud and two leaves, sun-drying, rolling, firing and tasting. Participants took the opportunity to learn about the culture of the Shakeng tribal village, the history of the land, and tea culture.
On the day, everyone bent down to pick out the tender buds and two leaves hidden among the tree bushes then place them carefully in their baskets. The growth of tea trees is influenced by factors such as climate and sunlight. The time and effort invested by the Hongbao tea growers of Shakeng infused each tea leaf with their hardship and determination. By working in the fields, the volunteers came to appreciate the strong blond between tea growers and their homeland, as well as the respect they have for the land.
For tea trees, 20 is when they are in their prime and new buds are constantly being produced. Even as Alpha Networks celebrated its 20th birthday in 2023, its executives and volunteers braved the harsh Hengshan sun to become one with the land and support the harvest at the eco-friendly tea plantation by laboring in the fields.
By a stroke of good fortune, the one-day tea harvest experience was followed by an afternoon storm that washed away the summer heat. When we look back on the sweat-drenched forms in the Shakeng tea plantation, the drops of sweat dripping from their brows embodied the determination of the farmers. The fragrance that welled up from within reminded us of the tea at Shakeng-Hongbao. Only when you have experienced the process of picking, rolling and firing tea can you truly appreciate just how much had happened at Alpha Networks over the last 20 years.
With the influence of public welfare activities, we aim to assist small farmers in acquiring skills from harvest to sales. We provide guidance to rural communities in developing local industry specialties while also dedicating efforts to environmental protection. It is anticipated that this event will benefit over 20 local farmers, generating profits exceeding 200,000 dollars.