Environmental sustainability

Alpha Networks values environmental sustainability

Update date: 2023/07/24

Alpha Networks values environmental sustainability

Alpha Networks attaches great importance to environmental sustainability issues in the business operations. Internally formulate Environment and HSF Policy, Declaration on Greenhouse Gas Inspection and Policy, and advance related activities and measures. In recent years, the impact of extreme weather on the environment is imminent. In order to reduce carbon emissions, countries around the world have declared that they will achieve the "Net Zero by 2050" target. Alpha Networks is based on attaching great importance to the environment, society and corporate governance (ESG) and complying with the requirements of international trends, refer to the International Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), and use more specific, clear and quantitative content to understanding the risks and opportunities brought by its own operations and activities. To practice the goal of corporate sustainability development.

Environment and HSF Policy
  • Follow environmental regulations and RoHS.
  • Research and develop green products to meet the standard of a perfect HSF product.
  • Promote recycling to reduce waste.
  • Continue to improve our manufacturing process to reduce its environmental impact.
  • Raise the employees' acknowledgement on environmental protection carrying out environmental protection operations.
  • Conserve energy and raise the service efficiency of energy.

HSF – Hazardous Substance Free
Declaration on Greenhouse Gas Inspection and Policy

Global warming has caused climate anomalies and is threatening our environment. As an iconic manufacturer of network communication equipment, we have to fulfill our corporate social responsibilities to create a non-toxic, healthy, and sustainable environment for the next generation. Therefore, we hereby declare we will:

  • Dedicate ourselves to the disclosure of corporate carbon emission to control the corporate emission situation.
  • Cooperate with our business partners to enlarge the range of carbon emission reduction.
  • Provide a variety of low-carbon selections for our consumers and users.
  • Using the product's carbon footprint information to enhance information transparency and implement carbon reduction.

GHG: Greenhouse Gases
ISO 14064-1: Greenhouse gases -- Part 1: Specification with guidance at the organization level for quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions and removals.

Green Promises

Alpha Networks has devoted itself to the R&D and manufacturing process of green products, and further promoted this concept in staff training sessions, hoping it will be carried on in their everyday lives. The Green Actions will then be performed in the most vivid way and create the greatest beneficial results. We hereby promise we will:

  1. Obey environmental regulations
  2. Research and develop green products
  3. Enhance recycling and reduce quantity of waste
  4. Continue to improve our manufacturing and process and reduce its environmental impacts
  5. Promote environment protection consciousness to our employees to accomplish our mission
  6. Conserve energy and improve energy service efficiency
  7. Inspect and reduce greenhouse gases
  8. Dedicate ourselves in protecting biodiversity

Life Cycle Thinking

We introduced the idea of Life Cycle Thinking at the phase of product R&D and additional green designing ideas are introduced and adjusted ourselves with the renewal of international environment regulations.


The Design Production of Green Products

Under strict management, we adhere to RoHS and WEEE rules from the EU, and continuously promote product efficiency improvement to suit the ErP regulation of the EU.

Conduct greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions audit to monitor the effect of the greenhouse effect

Due to the conditions of global warming getting more severe day by day, energy conservation and GHS emission reduction campaigns have been promoted internationally. To respond to the impact caused by global climate change, Alpha Networks takes part in the Carbon Disclosure Project, and we have dedicated ourselves to corporate carbon emission disclosure (ISO 14064-1) and product carbon footprint inspection (ISO 14067) to handle our greenhouse gas emission conditions and reduce our emissions accordingly. Alpha GHG emissions target is reduce 3% for every year.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions

As a global citizen, Alpha Networks Inc. is very much willing to contribute to the protection of the global environment and to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. In 2008, the ISO 14064-1:2018 greenhouse gas inventory standard was adopted, and the greenhouse gas emissions of that year were set as the base year. We remain committed to greenhouse gas emissions investigation, slowing down global warming, controlling and managing greenhouse gas emissions, and fulfilling our corporate responsibility for the global green new deal and the green economy. Alpha Networks Inc. The trend of greenhouse gas emissions from 2008 to 2022, as shown below:

Total emissions of greenhouse gas on 2022 of Alpha Networks’ Hsinchu Factory achieve 637,676.56 ton CO2e. The emissions per category were as follows:


"Biodiversity" is a phrase that was brought to us in 1986 and is the abbreviation for biological diversity. At the beginning, it meant an overall investigation on the different species and categories of all plants, animals, fungi, and micro-organisms. Later, the academic definition for biodiversity has been expanded to the variability of living organisms and all kinds of ecosystems, including different layers of life forms starting from genes, individuals, groups, species, community, and ecosystems and on to land scope. Also, with a broader definition, it also means the complicated, close and fragile interdependent relationship between different kinds of organisms living in different kinds of artificial or natural systems. It not only seeks for the coexistence and mutual prosperity of mankind and the biosphere, but also contains economic, scientific, educational, cultural, ethical, and aesthetic values.Alpha Networks plans to further understand the spirit of biodiversity and contribute to its conservation. 


Enhance environmental awareness

On top of the statutory environmental protection activities, Alpha Networks Inc. regards environmental protection as its own responsibility, and actively responds to international trends and customer needs.We actively participate in environmental protection training courses, and promote and encourage staff to practice environmental protection through internal gatherings, so that they understand the relationship between people and the environment, and take practical action to fulfil their environmental protection responsibilities. Through green news in restroom, employees' awareness of environmental protection was strengthened.

Green news in restroom

To enhance employees' awareness of environmental protection, Alpha Networks Inc. launched Green News in its bathrooms with the theme of green consumption to encourage employees to integrate environmental protection into their lives.


As we are seeking better production quality, we also promote eco-thinking and have received numerous certificates for our management system. Through continuous improvement, we will meet the customers' needs constantly.

ISO 9001
TL 9000
ISO 14001
IECQ QC80000
ISO 14064-1
